Your Design + Our Accessibility Expertise = An Inclusive Digital World
Mozaro’s Accessible Partners Program makes it easy to ensure the designs you present to your clients are accessible for all. We help you and your clients avoid costly redevelopment by addressing accessibility from the beginning.
Website Audit
Prior to submitting your design to the client, Mozaro will perform a full evaluation of selected web pages against WCAG standards by a Certified Trusted Web Tester, in conjunction with automated software testing, to provide a comprehensive report of compliance issues. The Accessibility Conformance Report (ACRT) can then be used by your designers and developers to address and correct any errors.
Assistive Technology Testing
Add user experience testing by individuals utilizing various assistive technology (AT) platforms such as JAWS and Dragon NaturallySpeaking to test the functionality and flow of a website, allowing you to see firsthand what the experience is like for site visitors utilizing AT.
Let's Partner!
Contact us today to discuss how you can implement accessibility testing with your current development and design service offerings. *Required Fields